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Scion Exchange


Annual Scion Exchange... With Grafting Demonstrations!

​This is our Chapter's biggest single event, free to members of our chapter and the public. It is held on the forth Saturday of February and takes place at the Crops Unit, a large building on the Cal Poly campus.  You will find the schedule and directions to this year's Scion Exchange on our Calendar.


At the scion exchange you will find rows of tables laden with bags of scion wood from a wide variety of trees. Attendees are invited to select and take home scions to graft to their own fruit trees, and to bring scions to share. 


You will also find demonstrations by experienced grafters who will demonstrate various grafting techniques.  These volunteers are members of CRFG and will do their best to answer all your grafting questions!

We also sell rootstock, grafting tape, budding tape, grafting "goop," grafting knives, and pheromone loops for control of the apple worm.


What Is A Scion Exchange Like?

We have a "scion exchange" room where you can obtain many types and varieties of scions, an area where rootstock is sold, a grafting supplies store, and a welcome table where you can find out how to become a CRFG member.  Also, snacks!


Outside, we have grafting demos by experienced grafters:


What Should I Bring?  Ziplocs, Paper Towels, Sharpie, Masking Tape

While some of these items may be available at the scion exchange, bringing your own will ensure you have enough for your needs.


  • Ziploc baggies, with one moist paper towel in each.
    You'll wrap the paper towel around the base of your scion(s), label them with your tape and Sharpie (see below), and put them in your Ziploc bag. When you get home you'll put the baggie in the refrigerator (not the freezer!) until you're ready to graft your scions.

  • Sharpie pen: to label your scions and baggies

  • Masking or painter's tape: to wrap around scions for labeling

This video gives a detailed explanation about what to bring to a CRFG Scion Exchange. Thank you CRFG Golden Gate Chapter member John Valenzuela.


How Can I Contribute Scion Wood?

CRFG members and guests are invited to bring scions from unusual or lesser-known varieties of trees. Patented varieties and citrus are not allowed at the exchange. 


We have lots of helpful information about collecting, bagging, and labeling scion wood for the Scion Exchange, including a free template for your labels!


Learn More >  

Monkey in Tree

Grafting? Scions?? Rootstock???  What's This All About?

If any of these words are new to you, check out our grafting page for explanations!


Learn More >

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